Plates/Clichés Making Procedure

Options for making of plates

Plates by Chemical Etching
Plates by Laser Etching
Plates by Exposure Units

Chemical Etching :


An intaglio method in which the lines are bitten by acid. The plate is coated with an acid-resistant material (ground) through which the artist draws lines that expose the metal. The plate is immersed in acid until the lines are bitten into the plate. The ground ( The surface on an etching plate that is impervious to acid) is removed before the plate is inked for printing.

Plates by Laser Etching:

Plates/Clichés making by Laser

Latest, fast and sophisticated method for accuracy in etching depth. Markolaser's laser machine is ideal for this application. Know more

Plate making by Exposure Unit :

Low cost thin Nylo plates for self-making Ideal do-it-yourself cliché with exposure unit.

Step 1:

Positives have to be handled very carefully. Any crease produces a blemish.

Avoid finger prints, use textile gloves if required (Art. No. 14 to 45). Positive film and cliché have to be absolutely free of dust particles before exposure.

Attach the positive film right reading , emulsion side down (offset film). With adhesive tape to the Aqua-Nylo-Cliché. Place adhesive tape as far as possible outside of print motif.

Step 2:

Expose the Aqua-Nylo-Cliché for 4 minutes

Step 3:

Wash out the Aqua-Nylo-Cliché fro 2 minutes in a washout tray with cover (Art.No. 31 00 18) filled with water (room temperature) in circular movements and without pressure using plush holder and plush material (Art. No. 31 00 14 )

Finally wash out the Aqua-Nylo-Cliché once again with fresh water and dry it carefully using compressed air or an industrial hot-air drier.